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Harewood Wet and Dry

Andrew Willoughby


Those who say ‘it’s grim up north’ should visit Harewood Hillclimb.  Looking over the course from the paddock with the Wharfe valley as a backdrop is one of the most stunning views in motorsport.

I’d  competed here last year, but never really came to terms with the course.  To help, I came to the Harewood Hillclimb School in July, and instructor Tim Wilson gave me the confidence to push much harder.  So that I was fully prepared for the qualifying round of the Seven Club Speed Championship on Sunday 2nd August I entered the non-qualifying event on the day before, along with many other Seveners.

The Saturday was really wet, but the experience of the day was great.  After a disastrous wet meeting at Curborough last year when I’d spun, I’d convinced myself that I just wasn’t very good in the wet.  This time was quite different, and the confidence of knowing the lines better helped me to get the fastest time of the Class 1 entrants.

Sunday was a very different day – bright and dry, and it meant I was going to be able to try to break my personal best of last year, 71.23 seconds.  There was a good field of Class 1 entrants, any of whom were capable of beating me.  What’s more, several of them had been to the Hillclimb School too.  A particular worry was David Lynch, who had done very well last year.  Also, Matthew was there, though he’d never driven the course before.  He’s a much quicker learner than me, though, so I knew that my advantage over him would be short-lived.

Practice 1 was OK – 71.40 – so I was nearly to my best already, but David was just ahead of me.  Practice 2 was better but David was still improving and Andy Bramall and Matthew were looking very threatening.  Time to regroup – I had to make up time, but I had to keep on the black stuff, even more so because my parents were going to be there watching me for the first time in the afternoon.



My first timed run felt great, and I knew it was a good time as I went through the beam at Quarry.  I was delighted to see my time on the display – 68.76, and my daughter Lisa came excitedly to my car to confirm that I had read it correctly.  As I waited for David to park up, anxiously wondering what his time was, word came through on the tannoy – my time hadn’t registered, and I had to do a re-run, along with the cars that followed me.

Disappointed (to say the least), I went down to the start hoping to do it again, but this time was a bit slower – 69.05; just enough to be in the lead, with David posting 69.14.

Run 2 was less good at 69.42.  What’s more, David was breathing down my neck, getting a near identical time to his first.  I knew that his final run was likely to be a stormer.

Run 3, the final one, felt good – the best of the day, and I was pleased to get 68.80.  David had a big lock-up early in the run, and despite a great second half, he wasn’t quite able to make up the time lost, finishing with a 69.50.  Andy Bramall and Matthew both had excellent final runs - 69.85 and 70.19 – both much better than my 2008 time.

As ever, paddock camaraderie and support were much in evidence, and I particularly enjoyed the company of my neighbours Greg and Kristy Price and David Lynch.  As David and I stood shaking with the exhilaration of our final runs, adrenaline levels through the roof, we both agreed that it didn’t get much better than that – nip and tuck competition all day.

What’s more, I managed not to embarrass myself in front of Mum and Dad! 


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Hi Andrew - agree with the above, Harewood is a lovely venue (even if i am a biased ex-local).


it was a great weekend, really enjoyed our battle on Saturday, if only I hadn't gone off on the last run I might have got closer to you, ho hum :-) Unfortunately it seems I'm better in the wet than the dry!


The company in the paddock was great as always, we realy enjoyed yours and Matthew's company and the banter with Alan and Ian and Andy on the other side was fun too. It was our first event for a year but were welcomed back by everyone like long lost friends, what a club!


Here's to more of the same at Curborough.



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Andrew, agree Sunday was a wonderful day and congratulations on a deserved win. Happy to have taken a big chunk off last years time of 70.68 and now have sub 69 as my 2010 target. Sector times show car (if not me) capable of it. Need more events under my belt.....

Good luck for Curborough II. Wish I could be there :(

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