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MIRA: that's more like it!

Andrew Willoughby


After last weekend’s drenching at Curborough I’d been hoping all week for fine weather at MIRA.  I wasn’t disappointed - it was a lovely day.


I walked the course with Matthew and my elder daughter Lisa, who’d come along as spectator (and supervisor: her Mum had given her instructions on how to keep me sorted).  It’s strange how your memory plays tricks on you – my recollection of the course was quite different from reality, despite having driven it for the past two years.


In addition to the Caterhams of the Lotus Seven Club the Midland Automobile Club event included an interesting mix of other cars including Westfields, Reliant Scimitars, single seaters and various tintops.  There was a particularly fine MG TA in the Classic Cars class.


First practice started with Matthew first out followed by Paul Boston, then me.  I had a senior moment in the first long left-hander, going from 2nd to 5th gear.  It was a scrappy run, and I was amazed that it was in the 59s, only just behind Matthew and Paul.


Second practice was better, though I had a heart-stopping moment at the end of the first corner when the rear part of the front left cycle wing came unstuck.  I thought for a moment I’d lost a wheel, but I managed to keep my concentration and managed a 57.79 – the fastest time in Class 1.  Matthew was about a second behind me in second place.  The track was much grippier than last year, and I felt that there was more time to come.


After lunch we had the first of our timed runs.  The run was OK, but, as often seems to be the case with me at MIRA, it was a slightly untidy lap with several places where I felt that could have been quicker.  My time was exactly the same as in second practice – 57.79.  Matthew was second with 58.12.


I approached the second timed run with trepidation.  I could see Matthew in his car waiting beside me in a state of meditation – clearly he was aiming to give the old man a mauling.  What was more, Nick Chan, on his first visit to MIRA, was getting to grips with the track, and I knew that he was more than capable of a storming final run.  I just wanted to do a run that didn’t leave me disappointed.


The start went well, and the long left-hander went smoothly, though I was a bit slow getting the power down on the exit.  The left kink went well – a better line than previously - and the control tower complex felt better with more speed on entry.  The left-hander at the end of the complex was untidy but I got through it without losing too much speed.  I braced myself to brake as late as possible for the final last long left-hander which I took as fast as I could without losing grip.


Meeting a smiling Matthew as I went back in didn’t fill me with confidence – he looked pleased with his run.  We went for the results where Lisa told me I’d got a 57.39.  Matthew’s second run had surprised him by being only slightly quicker than his first at 58.00, though it was enough to get him second place.  Ian Keen came third with an impressive time of 58.38.  Nick Chan got a 58.59 – a brilliant time on his first time at the course.  It was excellent to see so many good times in Class 1, with many drivers achieving their personal targets.


I’m delighted to get my first win of the year.  It’s not been a bad week – on Wednesday it was confirmed that our younger daughter Rachel is expecting a baby in November.  I’m going to be a grandfather, and that’s something Jenson Button can’t match!


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