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Important Notice for East Kent Members



I am writing to you to let you know that I will be resigning from the position of East Kent AR at the end of December 2024.

Anyone interested in taking on the role, please contact me for a chat about what is involved. Once I finish, unless someone becomes the AR, there will be no more local East Kent club emails or potentially meetings, until an AR is found.

I took on the role in March 2022 after our previous AR Gary Hooton moved to Lancashire and we were without an AR for some considerable time. I did say I would only do it for a year or until someone volunteered to do the job. No one has offered to take it on and time is up. I will be 73 this month and it needs a younger person to really make a go of it.

Having originally started the East Kent meeting back in April 1988, I had a personal interest in seeing that the area meeting continued and thrived and I would like to thank all the regulars who have supported the meetings and the odd event I organised.

I intend to still be a Club member for the foreseeable future and will retain my 7 for a bit longer, but the writing is on the wall. I had my first Seven 39 years ago and it will be a sad day for me when it all comes to an end.







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  • Leadership Team

Thank you stepping up in the first step place. The success of the Club depends on the goodwill of volunteers like you.

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Hi Piers, not being an East Kenter and not having a 7 these days kind of explains why I haven't been seen at EK meetings. 😜

Seriously though, I've always subscribed to your area and always been massively impressed at your stamina and enthusiasm for all things EK. 

So thanks for all your efforts and completely understand your decision to step down, especially with declining attendance and lack of anyone else stepping up to the plate. 

I fear this is the way of things these days, with the nature of 7 ownership changing as it has and people's lives seemingly so busy. 

I look back with great fondness at, what was for me, the haydays of 7 ownership in the early 2000s. 

Remember "Clash of the Titans" (Arnie and Peter),  Le Mans, Dunsfold etc. The Rumble, Graham Nearn Blat? Happy days eh?

Anyway, all the best for your well deserved retirement. Maybe catch up at the Revival one more time 👍👍

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Hi Piers

I feel bad that I've been unable to attend most of the events you've been organizing over the past 5 years, but I know how much they've been appreciated by Kent Seveners generally.  You are universally admired - unfailingly friendly, excellent company, and a source of longstanding knowledge and wisdom on all 7 matters - and we owe you huge thanks.    Hope to see you on a blat or track day again soon...

Stephen 👏

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2 hours ago, Harry Flatters said:

Graham Nearn Blat?

A great day, the most amazing thing was the immaculate parking organisation, a work of art 😀

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