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Caterham Ownership - First 6months Lessons Learnt

Six months ago I purchased my first Caterham, a mechanically solid Graduates Super that needed some fettling and tidying for the road. Yesterday my experience culminated with the fantastically organised Caterham Novices Trackday @ Rockingham where I got my first taste of circuit driving which took the ownership experience to a whole new level!   As I was driving back home I reflected on how much fun Caterham ownership has already given me and what I’d learnt along the way so I thought I’d shar

Andrew Willcox

Andrew Willcox

Caterham Finally Purchased

So after many months studying and trawling eBay, Piston Heads and Autotrader I've finally took the plunge and bought my first Caterham. With such a vast range of specs and versions available it took some time to work out what I wanted.  I was really drawn to some really clean examples with fantastic specs but really wanted something I could work on and improve... a winter project. The best piece of advise I was given through the process was "you need to decide whether its going to be a road or a

Andrew Willcox

Andrew Willcox

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